Architectural Review Committee

The Architecture Review Committee (ARC) is here to protect the interest of Silver Oaks residents as outlined in the Covenants and Restrictions and the By Laws of our subdivision.

The board wants what is best for the subdivision and the ARC has the right and obligation to enforce the Covenants and Restrictions of the subdivision that ALL homeowners have signed at the closing of contract.


  • All plans must be submitted in writing to the ARC for approval.
  • A $10 fee (check/money order payable to Silver Oaks Phase II HOA) is required for each structural improvement project (e.g., fence, deck, shed, pergola, replacement of exterior entry doors, etc.). Landscaping improvement projects do not require the $10 fee.
  • The $10 fee must be paid before the project will be approved.
  • All plans submitted will need a detailed drawing showing the lot, house, and work needed to be done.
    • You can download a form here that you can use to diagram your project.
  • Here is some more helpful information that the ARC will need for certain projects:
    • Fence: give the height, color and style.
    • Storage (will require a fence): give the height, color, offset.
    • Timeline for completion of your project.

Submitting your request:

Submit your REQUEST FOR ARCHITECTURAL/LANDSCAPING REVIEW form online by using the from below. The ARC will review your request and contact you as needed.

Please read the current Covenants and Community Rules to make sure you will be abiding by said rules prior to starting your project. The Covenants document states there is a review fee of $50; however, the Board of Directors has lowered the fee to $10.

Article V, Architectural Control of the Silver Oaks Phase II Covenants states that “No building, fence, wall, or other structure shall be commenced, erected, or maintained…until the plans and specifications showing the nature: kind, shape, height, materials, and location of the same shall have been submitted to and approved in writing as to harmony and external design and location in relation to surrounding structures and topography…”.  Please read Section 3 of the current Covenants for more detailed information.

If permits are needed, please attach a copy of the permit to your request. If the permits are acquired after the project has been approved please email a copy to 

This Review and consequent approval does not, in any way, hold the Association or Board of Directors liable for any injury, damages, or loss arising out of the quality or manner of work done by either the Homeowner or his Contractor.

Enter your contractors name. If you do not have a contractor yet you can enter n/a.
Please explain work to be done. Any drawings, site plans, materials lists, etc. to explain more fully the work being completed will need to be submitted. If we do not have complete information it may delay your request.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.